Texas Educational Colorguard Association
Building Better Guards for Better Bands
Congratulations to the following units on their recent promotion!
TECA 2025 Contest Schedule
18th - TECA Contest - Valley View HS - (ColorGuard Only)
25th – TECA Contest - McCollum HS - (ColorGuard Only)
1st – TECA Contest Valley View HS - (ColorGuard, Percussion, Winds)
Colorguard Logistical Schedule
Percussion Logistical Schedule
8th – TECA Contest - Karen Wagner HS - (ColorGuard, Percussion, Winds)
Colorguard Logistical Schedule
Percussion Logistical Schedule
8th & 9th - WGI Mansfield Regional (Colorguard)
15th - WGI New Braunfels Regional (Colorguard)
22 – TECA Contest - Jourdanton HS - (Guard, Percussion, Winds)
Colorguard Logistical Schedule
Percussion Logistical Schedule
1st – TECA Contest - Mercedes HS - (Guard, Percussion, Winds)
1st & 2nd - WGI Austin Regional (Colorguard)
1st - WGI Houston Regional (Percussion, Winds)
8th – TECA Contest - Seguin HS - (Guard, Percussion, Winds)
15th & 16th – WGI San Antonio Regional (Colorguard)
15th - WGI Edinburg Regional (Winds)
22th – TECA Contest - Mercedes HS - (Guard, Percussion, Winds)
22nd & 23rd - WGI Southwest Power Regional (Colorguard)
22nd - WGI Dallas Regional (Percussion, Winds)
TECA Championship Block
29 - TECA Scholastic Novice & Scholastic Regional AA Area - Sandra Day O’Connor HS, San Antonio, TX
5 – TECA Percussion & Winds Championships - NISD Paul Taylor Field House, San Antonio, TX
12 - TECA Cadet, Nov, Reg AA, Reg A, SAA, SA, SO Championships - NISD Paul Taylor Field House, San Antonio, TX
WGI World Championships
3-5 - WGI Color Guard Championships
10-12 - WGI Percussion Championships
12-13 - WGI Winds Championships
TECA 2025 REGULAR SEASON RECAPS (when available)
Block A
29 - TECA Scholastic Novice & Scholastic Regional AA Area - Location TBA
5 – TECA Percussion & Winds Championships - Location TBA
12 - TECA Cadet, Nov, Reg AA, Reg A, SAA, SA, SO Championships - NISD Sports Gym hosted by Sonia Sotomayor HS, San Antonio, TX
Q. Where can I find the contest information packet, schedule, or critique schedules?
Schedules, contest packets and recaps will be posted to the homepage and on Competition Suite.
Visit Competition Suite and choose the Organization Data tab for each unit you direct. We pull spiel sheet data on the morning of each contest, so any changes you make will be announced at your next performance. (Pronunciation guides for tough names are awesome! Also we may edit the content for clarity and length, at the announcer's discretion.)
Q. Where can I view the circuit by-laws, contest rules, and timing requirements for my classification?
These and more can all be found at the Forms page.
Q. Where can I find judges' sheets, panels, or the full WGI rulebook for each classification?
Head to the Judges area of this site, or log in to Competition Suite and look for the Resources tab. You'll need to log in first.
Q. Can I advertise my services, or sell gently used items?
Advertisements may be placed on the Classifieds page. To place an ad, please contact TECA Webmaster Nathan Flynt.
Follow us on Twitter: @TECA_Texas
Instructors and judges find us on Facebook: TECA Community of teachers, adjudicators, and administrators
Board of Directors:
President: Jeremy Contreras, Sonia Sotomayor HS
Vice President of Colorguard: Ronald Burton, Southwest Legacy HS
Vice President of Percussion & Winds: Raul Cisneros, Karen Wagner HS
Treasurer: Megan Crumrine
Secretary: Fred Rodriguez, Laredo ISD
Historian: Heather Brown, Seguin HS
Parliamentarian: Elijah Sanchez: Earl Warren HS
Education Director of Color Guard: Richard Lopez, Performer's Academy
Education Director of Percussion & Winds: Dave Giddens
TECA Judge's Association Staff:
Color Guard Chief Judge: Shirley Williams
Percussion Chief Judge: April Lara
Circuit Staff:
Contest Director: Ronald Burton
Tabulator: Jim Stevens & Isaac Ramirez
Sound Staff: Nathan Flynt
Webmaster: Nathan Flynt
Winter Guard Circuits:
North Texas Color Guard Association
West Texas Colorguard Association
Old contest data may be found in the archives.